What is a Dual Fuel HVAC System?

The dual-fuel HVAC system is created in a way to be one of the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to fulfil the heating and cooling needs of your home or space.

Because of its uniqueness, the Dual-fuel HVAC systems popularity is rising day by day among homeowners who are particularly looking for a substitute solution to reduce their energy bills while still maintaining a comfortable and desired temperature.

What is a Duel Fuel HVAC System?

The thing that makes a duel fuel HVAC system different from others is the way it functions by combining two different types of fuel sources to heat your home, such as natural gas, along with electricity.

This type of system is also know as a hybrid HVAC system and it typically consists of heat pump and a gas furnace which work together to heat or cool a space.

How a Duel Fuel HVAC System Works?

A heat pump that uses two fuels works together with a furnace. It can benefit you by serving as an efficient central air conditioner during summer.

During mild weather such as spring and fall, it offers cost-effective and efficient warmth throughout the seasons.

When the temperature drops below a certain point during winter, usually around 30-40 degrees, the pump stops, and the furnace takes over to warm you in no time.

Using a Dual-Fuel Heat Pump for Heating

To provide warmth, a dual-fuel heat pump can pull heat from the external air at a lower cost than activating the furnace, given that the external temperature is above approximately 35°F.

This is because transferring heat is more efficient than producing it. Despite the cold weather, heat remains extractable.

It can even transmit more power than it consumes if the heat pump is working in the desired conditions, approx.

It can transmit 300 percent more additional power, when compared to a high-efficiency gas furnace it can just provide approximately 90 percent more power.

Using a Dual-Fuel Heat Pump for Cooling

When used in colder seasons such as spring and autumn, the heat pump acts as a heater, while the furnace only takes care of air distribution.

The heat pump transmits warmth Refrigerating fluid or Refrigeration gas through the air-conditioning coil inside the furnace. The furnace fan pulls the air from the cold air and returns to your house.

Then, the furnace passes the air over the warm coil and circulates the heated air throughout the residence.

During summer, the heat pump reverses the refrigerant flow to cool the home, functioning like a typical air conditioner.

Energy & Cost Efficiency

Upgrading to a dual-fuel heat pump provides long-term energy savings and may qualify for immediate financial benefits, such as energy-saving tax credits and rebates.

It is essential to inquire about the incentives available in your area from the utility company and HVAC installer.

Final Thoughts

A dual-fuel HVAC system is a unique and efficient solution for ensuring to fulfill both the heating and cooling needs of your space.

Because of its unique working mechanism that consists of combining the two different fuel sources, it can automatically change the temperature by measuring the outside temperature.

Therefore, it ensures that it only uses the most efficient and cost-effective fuel source in the hour of need. This makes it an irresistible option for your space and even if you are looking to save some bucks on your energy bills.

While not compromising on maintaining your desired temperature. If you are considering an upgrade or replacement of your old HVAC system a dual-fuel HVAC system isn’t a bad choice.

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